What is Shorthand? Scope of English Shorthand Course in Pakistan, Jobs, Tips

Introduction to Shorthand For Beginners, Career Scope of English Shorthand Course in Pakistan, Job Options, Benefits & Golden Tips
Are you looking to learn Shorthand & to stay competent in the modern workplace? Shorthand is a valuable skill that can help widen your job prospects & help you climb career ladders in great speed. In this article of jobsstudy.pk, we shall discuss what is Shorthand, scope of English shorthand course in Pakistan, jobs, benefits and smart tips on how to enhance your short hand writing & typing skills.



What is Shorthand?

Shorthand is a method of quickly and accurately writing words & sentences in a way that easily transcribes into readable & understandable written language. In simple words Shorthand is a method of speed writing using abbreviations, symbols & other methods to represent words & phrases. Shorthand aims to represent a language as efficiently as possible while being written quickly. It has been used from ancient times, mainly for taking notes & transcribing court records, conferences & speeches, dictations quickly & accurately. It is a helpful tool for anyone who works routinely with written language, such as a secretary, administrative executive or transcriptionist. By using different techniques which require daily regular practice & skill, shorthand users can quickly capture notes or record information which enables them to keep up with the speed of conversation & keep speakers on topic.



What is Shorthand? Scope of English Shorthand Course in Pakistan, Jobs, Tips

What is Shorthand? Scope of English Shorthand Course in Pakistan, Jobs, Tips


Due to Pakistan’s focus on education, English Shorthand has gained importance in the country in recent times, with various educational institutions providing courses into learning shorthand and typing cum MS office. The courses offered vary from basic to advanced levels covering topics such as transcription, speed accuracy & writing shorthand at various rates.



Who is a Stenographer?

Stenographers are professionals who provide an invaluable service by accurately recording & transcribing all types of conversations, meetings & events. They take dication from their senior officers for writing different type of official documents. They specialize in making sure that every word is recorded & documented in the most effective & accurate way possible. As a result, stenographers are commonly found working in a range of industries, from courtrooms & medical facilities to educational settings.



A stenographer’s primary job is to provide a verbatim transcript of spoken words & other sounds. To accomplish this, stenographers use a variety of tools and techniques, from a stenotype machine to real-time captioning services. Stenotypists can record up to 200 words per minute, while court reporters can capture up to 300 wpm.



Stenographers must be well-organized & detail-oriented in order to accurately document their subjects & their words. Outstanding communication skills, concentration & focus are also essential. Stenographers must also be patient, reliable & mindful of the need for confidentiality.



Stenographers belong to a unique skill group who have the responsibility of recording oral transcripts and reporting them accurately. They must have a strong attention to detail & be capable of dealing with a fast paced environment. As one of the most important aspects of the legal system, stenographers ensure that conversations are documented & can be used in a court of law. They play an essential role in court cases & their work is essential to providing fair justice.



Stenography offers a great deal of flexibility & can provide excellent salary opportunities. Undoubtedly, a career in stenography is an exciting & rewarding one and offers an amazing opportunity to have a positive impact on the justice system.



Benefits of Learning English Shorthand

There are several advantages to learning Shorthand writing. Taking notes in shorthand is more efficient, as information can be written more quickly than if done with traditional writing. It also has applications in other professional fields such as transcribing business meetings, coaching & mentorship, taking down testimony for legal cases, note taking during medical exams etc. Shorthand can also help you develop better communication skills & stay competitive in the job market.


Scope of English Shorthand Course In Pakistan

English Shorthand courses are growing in popularity in Pakistan due to its scope in various sectors. Those who opt for this course can look for positions in a variety of professions, such as private secretaries, personal assistants, official reporters, court readers, secretaries & stenographer typists. With the increasing requirements & competition mastering short-hand increases job prospects as well as the potential for higher salaries & improved job positions. There are a number of language schools & academies in the country which are offering long and short English Shorthand training & courses to accommodate the needs of those looking to learn this demanding skill.


Why English Shorthand Course?

English is still the official and court langauge in Pakistan. All office documents are written and typed in English. Senior officers give dictations to their personal assistants and stenographers in English, so there is a great demand of English shorthand experts in almost all government departments of Pakistan. That’s why shorthand is considered the key of government jobs in Pakistan. You just need to improve your shorthand and typing speed to get a government job after completion of your shorthand course.



Jobs After English Shorthand Course in Pakistan

Those who have successfully completed the English Shorthand Course can look forward to bright future opportunities in the fields of:
• Personal assistant
• Private secretary
• Official reporter
• Court reader
• Steno typist
• UDC, LDC & Junior Clerk
• Clerk, Head Clerk & Supretendent

It is important to note that most positions in these fields require certifications, speed & experience in English Shorthand.



Benefits of English Shorthand Course in Pakistan

The primary benefit of learning the shorthand typing is that you can attain higher-level positions in the organizations & more pay than the people who lack this skill. On the other hand it has also been found that stenographers save a lot of time in transcription. They can quickly & accurately transcribe lengthy statements or conversations, saving lots of time. Furthermore it is possible to increase speed & accuracy of shorthand writing through practice, which further increases its value as a trade. English shorthand experts can get the government job of 12 to 18 scale. 18 scale jobs are announced in the high courts and Supreme court of Pakistan.



Shorthand Tips

If you are looking to boost your skills in the area of shorthand, here are some super tips that might be helpful for beginners:


• 12-hour practice sessions: Set aside a certain period of time out of each day to practice your shorthand. Try to stick to the same time each day in order to form a good habit.



• Writing exercises: You can practice writing words or sentences by using tapes of conversations. Listen carefully & take notes in shorthand.


• Focus on the key words: When transcribing it is important to focus on the key words & record the same without fail.


• Speed is not the only factor: While speed is important, accuracy should never be compromised. Aim to transcribe accurately with clear notes at a steady pace before increasing speed.



• Watch English content: Watch English content daily on Tv and youtube to improve your English listening skills for taking the dictation in speed.



•Read extensively: Read books, newspapers & magazines to get used to shorthand and to improve your vocabulary and spelling. The more you read, the easier it will be to make more accurate notes at a faster rate.


•Learn MS Office too: We highly recommend you to learn MS office too along with the Shorthand Typing course to increase the chances of your government job.


•Study symbols: Memorize the symbols of the shorthand alphabet & practice writing them until you get comfortable.



•Take breaks: To avoid fatigue while writing shorthand, take regular breaks in between your practice rounds.



•Be consistent: Inconsistent practice can lead to decreased productivity & accuracy. So make sure you practice regularly & consistently. Without regular daily practice you will forget the symbols of shorthand writing and your speed of taking dicatation will also decrease a lot and you will not be able to clear the speed test for a job of stenographer.



Shorthand Course in Pakistan

If you want to achieve a Shorthand Certification, you can enrol in a Shorthand Course. From basic techniques to advanced techniques in Shorthand Writing, the course covers everything it takes to become a Professional Stenographer. Shorthand Courses are available across a range of specialties, like English Shorthand, Stenographer Course, Shorthand Typing, Shorthand Typing Course, Urdu Shorthand course and Shorthand Writing Course. Shaheen Shorthand is a famous institute in Pakistan which is offering full time and part time English Shorthand courses. D.Com shorthand is the best route after matric in Pakistan for those students who want to learn stenograpy or short hand.



Getting Stenographer Jobs

Once you have acquired a professional Shorthand Certification and have increased your shorthand speed and English vocabulary, you can start applying for Stenographer jobs in government and semi government departments. There are a number of openings for Stenographer posts across the country, in corporate offices, government agencies, media, and other fields. It is important to stay up to date about latest openings & apply for jobs that require Shorthand expertise. You also need to improve your general knowledge for clearing the recruitment test for some jobs through public service commissions (PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC etc) & private testing agencies like NTS, PTS, OTS etc.



Minimum Required Shorthand Writing & Typing Speed for Government Jobs in Pakistan

For majority of jobs which require mastery in shorthand writing you should have passed at least higher secondary school exam and for jobs of higher grades minimum graduation is required qualification. Your English shorthand speed should be at least 70 words per minutes and your typing speed should be 40 wpm. You should also be a computer literate person with command over microsoft office with a certification in MS office from a government institute.



Benefits of Urdu Shorthand

Apart from English there is also an Urdu Shorthand course that you can take. It is beneficial for those who want to get the job of Urdu Stenography. Since the formation of Pakistan, Urdu has been used extensively in some government & private agencies. An Urdu Shorthand course can help you in getting jobs in these sectors.




Shorthand is a timeless skill, which helps individuals in becoming successful in the workforce. Getting admission in shorthand writing course is a beneficial investment, as it enhances job prospects & provides the potential to earn more. To excel at the skill, register for both Urdu & English Shorthand Course, try out the tips mentioned above & boost your chances of landing a stenographer job.

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