How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen? Top 10 Methods

How to Keep Cockroaches Away From Kitchen & Bathrooms? Top Ten Tips
This special how to blog post of is all about how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen. Cockroaches are a nuisance, but there is no need to let them ruin your home. Just learn how to kill cockroaches the easy way.


It’s a common misconception that cockroaches are the most poisonous insect on our Earth. Actually, they are not at all toxic and the only insect that has a higher toxicity rating than cockroaches is the “brown recluse spider”. Cockroaches are just as toxic as one would expect. They are also very hard to kill.


How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen? Top 10 Methods

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen? Top 10 Methods


Facts About Roaches

Cockroaches are the most numerous members of the insect family commonly known as cockroaches. These insects can reach any surface & are easily transported by dust or wind. Cockroaches are often found in areas with a high humidity level, which means that they are very common in the winter season. Cockroaches are not attracted to light and heat. Cockroaches live in dark, damp places for example basements, closets & garages. When cockroaches die, their bodies turn black. They take a long time to die, but one can still tell when a cockroach has died. If you see a cockroach dead, it’s probably not a good idea to move it. A dead cockroach will not be able to move & will continue to have its legs and wings stuck together.


Cockroaches are usually very active and can easily break through your walls. They are a good indicator if your apartment is dirty. In general, cockroaches are not a great pest, but they are a good indication of an unhealthy house. They are usually a sign of poor air quality. They also like to eat things that are not good for them like pet food, garbage and food that has been left out for too long. Cockroaches can also be a sign that your air conditioning system may be broken.


Cockroaches like to live under the surface, but can not survive for long in a dry environment. Cockroaches can survive temperatures down to -26° Celsius.


How to Get Rid of Small Cockroaches? Top Ten Home Remedies

Many people are looking for effective but easy ways to get rid of cockroaches. With the increase in population, cockroaches have become bigger problem than ever. There are many ways to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen quickly. The following are some quick methods for getting rid of cockroaches.


How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen? Top Ten Tips


Now lets discuss in detail that how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen;

1. Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum cleaners are effective in getting rid of cockroaches. The vacuum cleaner has a high suction power & it can suck up almost any type of cockroach. While using the vacuum cleaner, it is important to use gloves & eye goggles. After vacuuming the area, close the lid of the vacuum cleaner & run the vacuum cleaner for ten minutes. Let the vacuum cleaner run for another fifteen minutes or until the area is clean. To get rid of cockroaches, you must be careful while using the vacuum cleaner.


2. Food Filter

To get rid of cockroaches, you can use a food filter. This is a low-cost way of getting rid of cockroaches. It is easy to use & does not require much time. You will not need to clean the food filter often since it has food particles. However if you choose a food filter that has different types of food particles, you will need to clean it often.


3. Laundry Detergent

In addition to getting rid of cockroaches, the laundry detergent can also help you get rid of cockroaches. A single small bottle of laundry detergent for your home can do wonders for you in this regard. If you do not want to buy a whole bottle, just buy one small bottle and use it to kill roaches.


4. Baking Soda

Baking soda is another amazing tool that you can use to kill cockroaches. It is often used in the kitchen for baking purpose, but you can also use it for cleaning. Just pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into a bowl or cup, & start mixing it with a few drops of water. Leave it there for at least 2 hours, or until all traces of cockroaches are gone.



5.Hot Water

Hot water is another effective way to kill cockroaches. You can put some hot water in a spray bottle & let it go for about ten minutes. If you have a hot tub, you can also use it to kill cockroaches.


6. Vinegar

Vinegar can also be used to kill cockroaches quickly. If you don’t want to use chemicals, you can use vinegar to kill cockroaches as its a natural but effective mean to kill the roaches. Simply mix a few drops of vinegar into the cockroach’s food & watch them to die before you.


7. Bleach

Bleach is another great item to kill roaches. You can buy bleach at any store & it is cheap too. But to kill cockroaches, you have to buy a special kind of bleach. It is also important to use bleach when you have a lot of roaches in your washroom or kitchen.


8. Clean Corners

To remove cockroaches from corners of your home, you should use the combination of baking soda and water. Mix about one teaspoon of baking soda with 3 cups of water. In the corners and add an equal amount of the mixture & let it sit for about ten minutes. Then wipe it with a clean cloth to get rid of roaches.


9. Disinfect Your Furniture & Carpets

You can wipe the surfaces of your furniture and carpets with a disinfectant solution. You can also use a disinfectant solution for cleaning furniture. You should disinfect the furniture with a solution that has a 5% solution of bleach. Soak the furniture & carpet for several minutes and then wipe it with a solution of bleach. Do not use ammonia or chlorine-based disinfectants.


10. Clean Your Kitchen Cabinets

You should clean the kitchen cabinets with a strong disinfectant solution. The kitchen cabinets need to be cleaned with a solution that has a five percent solution of bleach.


Bonus Tips

Last but no least if you have a serious cockroach problem at your home, you may need to call in a professional pest control company. They will be able to identify the source of the problem & eliminate the cockroaches using more powerful & scientific methods.
How to Prevent Cockroaches from Entering Your Home?
One of the most important ways to prevent cockroaches from entering your home is by cleaning your home thoroughly.



Cockroaches love to enter & breed in dirty environments, so it’s important to clean every inch of your home in order to prevent them from coming inside. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner with a powerful filter & warm water, or use an exterminator to kill any cockroaches that may have been hiding in your walls or furniture.



How to Prevent Cockroaches from Breeding?

Another way to keep cockroaches from entering your home is by preventing them from breeding. This can be done by using a barrier door strategy or using Insecticidal Soap on surfaces where they are likely to breed. You can also purchase devices that identify cockroaches & automatically dispense insecticide when they are detected, which will help keep the insects at bay while you’re away.




How to Prevent Cockroaches from Eating Your Food in Kitchen?

Finally, another way to prevent cockroaches from eating your food is by cooking foods properly & avoiding cross-contamination. Food in open air is full of bacteria that can help grow cockroaches, so it’s best not to eat anything that has been cooked in a dirty environment or with insects! By following these tips, you can help keep yourself and your food safe while traveling without having to worry about pesky bugs crawling all over everything!



Conclusion & Final Thoughts
It is important to prevent cockroaches from entering your home. By cleaning your home thoroughly & using a cockroach prevention product regularly, you can help keep the bugs out. With helpful tips for prevention, it’s easy to keep your kitchen free of these pesky creatures. In case of liking this blog post on how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen, its your moral duty to share iton your social media pages for spreading awareness in this regard among females.

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