How To Get Good Marks in Practicals of Physics, Chemistry & Biology? Top 10 Tips

How To Perform Good in Practical Exams of Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry & Biology? Top Ten Smart Tips
One should not at all ignore the importance of these physics, chemistry and biology practicals. If one will get maximum marks in these practicals then he or she can easily increase their percentage and scoring level in their science subjects. These practicals are an added advantage on your side. They give you golden opportunity to increase and improve your percentage. Suppose you fail to do good in your biology paper, or you did not come up on expected marks in your chemistry paper then instead of getting dis-heart, you can work and put effort in your practicals. These practicals are like golden chances for you. You should not take them lightly. Many students do not prepare their selves properly for these practicals and in return, they really get low percentage in their science subjects. The only key to have maximum percentage in your science subject papers is to work on your practicals as well.



Importance of Science Practicals

It has been proven that through the use of science practicals, students are better equipped to think critically and their ability to solve the problem effectively improve a lot a in problem-based learning environment. Science practicals help students understand complex scientific concepts through hands-on experience. Additionally they help develop teamwork skills and critical thinking abilities. In addition science practicals provide opportunities for students to learn about different aspects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.



Here you can have tips that how can you get maximum and highest marks in your chemistry, biology as well as in your physicals practicals. We are sharing these great tips with you about how to get good marks in practicals of science subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science:


How To Get Good Marks in Practicals of Physics, Chemistry & Biology? Top 10 Tips

How To Get Good Marks in Practicals of Physics, Chemistry & Biology? Top 10 Tips


Perform On An Excellent Terms During Your practical Session
This practical stage, it consist of three stages and on the basis of these three stages, you are being marked and scored. First you will perform the practical, then you will sit for viva and in the end, your practical notebook will be evaluated that will be made by you. During this practical session, you should remain confident. You will usually get a choice in your practical paper.



It is recommended to choose that practical which is an easiest one and also the most scoring one. During this practical demonstration, examiner will ask questions regarding apparatus, he will also check your readings. You should take proper readings during practical demonstration. On your practical answer sheet, you should write correct readings, draw diagrams and they should be relevant. Write apparatus details and preparation method too.



Remain Confident During Viva Stage

This viva stage is the second stage of your practical session. During viva, you should remain 100% confident. Examiner will ask questions from you related to the practical which you have performed so make sure that you should know each tiny bit detailing of your performed practical. Even if you does not know the answer of any question, you can give your feedback. It is not necessary that you should have to give an exact answer. If you are strong in your concepts, you can easily answer any question.



Make a Proper One Practical Notebook

Then last you need to prepare your practical notebook properly. You should write all practicals in your practical notebook. Your notebook should be checked. Make sure that your practical notebook should be signed and checked by your concerned teacher. If your practical notebook will be incomplete then automatically you will get less score in this area.



Top Ten Tips & Tricks For Clearing Science Practical Exams in Pakistan

Here are top ten smart tips and tricks for you for better performance in the practical exams of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science at SSC and HSSC levels.



1-Revise the practicals at least twice before the final examination. Make sure you know your material inside out. This means knowing the key concepts, formulas & equations.



2-Majority of students do not take the class of  practicals and buy the filled practical not book from market. Try to avoid such activities for better performance in practical exams.



3-Understand the basic concept behind each and every practical, it will help you in theory paper as well as in viva voce. You should also be able to recognize different types of problems and solutions. Practical exams are mostly about experimentation and if you understand the concepts, you will be able to do the experiment better.



4-Prepare the short questions given at the end of each practical in practical note book. Time management is also very crucial element in practical exams. Make sure you understand how much time you have for completing the practical and plan accordingly. This will help you to make the most of your time and avoid rushing.



5-Prepare the related topic of each and every practical from text book too. Also remember that during the practical some times you will not get the right reading in the first attempt in such a case think critically and try to find out your mistake and try to stay calm. This means taking a few deep breaths and focusing on positive thoughts. Remember you have prepared as best as you can and you can do this!



6-Demo science experiments and practicals at home will help you too in exam. First of all prepare the most revised science practical in the board exams.



7-Try to help your class fellows in clearing their concepts of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Practice the practicals in group it will help you all in conceptual clearness.



8-Spend maximum time in lab and never hesitate to ask a question for clearing your scientific concepts. When you have finished, check your work carefully to make sure you have completed all the required tasks & that your results are accurate.



9-For some practicals you will have to learn by heart the standard readings. Do a dry run. I mean to say if possible, practice the practical in the same room & under the same conditions as the actual exam. This will help you to familiarize yourself with the surroundings and to identify any potential problems.



10-Last but not least your attitude with examiner should be very good. Confidence does not mean over confidence or rudeness.


General Tips For Science Practicals

There are some general tips too which can help you to achieve success in your science practical exams.



Firstly, it is important to make sure that you understand the practical task that you are being asked to complete. Make sure to read the instructions carefully & ask your teacher or professor if you have any questions. Once you understand the task, it is important to plan your work carefully. Make sure to allocate enough time to complete the task & to double-check your work before submitting it.



Secondly, it is important to ensure that your work is of a high standard. Make sure to proofread your work carefully & to check for any errors. In addition it is often helpful to ask someone else to check your work before you submit it.



Finally it is important to be confident in your abilities. Remember that you have studied hard & that you are capable of completing the task. Believe in yourself and do not be afraid to ask for help if you need it.



Final Words

You may also join special practical revision classes in your educational institutes and if this facility is not offered in your school or college then you may join any private academy for the same purpose. Yes there you will have to pay fee but this will help you a lot in clearing your scientific concepts and revision of practicals. Last but not least it has been noticed that now many youtube channels have been launched about practicals of Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Biology. You must watch the videos of these educational channels too for clearing your basice concepts of science subjects and science practicals.


Practical exams are an important part of science education. We hope these tips have been helpful and that you feel more prepared for your practical exams. Remember if you need any help, our tutors are always here to support you! Visit How To and Tips categories of daily for reading useful knowledge base  and educational articles.


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