Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore BS, DPT, Pharm-D Admission 2023

Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore Admission 2023 in Pharm-D, DPT, Diploma in Paramedics & BS Programs
All applicants should note this important news that Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore has opened these admissions now and you can apply for this phase right now. Here is the list of BS programs in which students can apply. It is on the Ferozpur road that this educational institution is located, you can visit this complex so that admission forms and other details can be received by you. Here you can catch this information that in which groups and degree program sections that you can apply this time in this Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore:



Programs Part of Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore Admission 2023

It is their 5 years doctoral program which is Pharm D program in which applicants can apply. You should belong to the pre medical group if you want to register in this grouping and you need to be scored with 60% marks in FSc studies span of yours.



Medical Education



Then there is another 5 years program which is introduced for admissions this time and it is DPT program. You can apply in this category if you have 55% marks in your Fsc education and you too belong to pre medical group.


Then admissions in the diploma program of paramedics are opened and these diploma programs are of 1 year and of 2 years span. This diploma study can be done in MLT or in RIT or in OTT. In your matric, the student has to have 45% marks and should have 45% marks in his biology, chemistry and physics subjects.



BS Programs Serve in Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore Admission 2023 Stage

Then there is the list of 4 years degree programs in which this specific admission stage is open. BS zoology program has proposed these admissions and in your F.Sc pre medical degree, the applicant has to score up to 45% marks.


To register for BS bioinformatics program, in your inter F.Sc pre medical phase, you should have 45% marks. In this BS human nutrition program, if you have marks up to 45% in your pre medical span then you can apply in this program.


We have BS microbiology program and you can apply in this group on this condition if you have 45% marks and score right in your FSc pre medical exam result. The admissions in BS physiology program and BS psychology program are open and and registered applicants should have 45% marks and scoring potential.


The BS chemistry program can be applied by pre engineering students or by pre medical students. To apply for BS sociology students, all intermediate group sections can apply like FA applicants and students from ICS, I.Com background, they can register for this program too.



Why Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore? Facilities

Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore offers an excellent educational opportunity for students who want to pursue a career in medical and allied health sciences related programs. The college offers a wide range of programs that cover all the bases, from medical to allied health sciences. In addition the school has an extensive library system that is perfect for any student looking to research medical or allied health sciences information.



The college has an hospital attached (i.e Gulab Devi Hospital) to it which provides scope for training of health professionals. This attached teaching hospital has the facilities of state-of-the-art equipment, including a new cardiac catheterization lab, ultrasound room, ICU and X-ray suite. The college has an excellent infrastructure with state-of-the-art laboratories and departments.



Final Words

The whole list of programs is mentioned to the applicants so that they can easily apply in this Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore admission 2023 phase. For any query, you can ask and contact us any time.


Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore BS, DPT, Pharm-D Admission 2023


Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore BS, DPT, Pharm-D Admission 2023


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