Biography of Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery (R.A) The Man Who Changed the World of Sufism

Biography of Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery (R.A) The Man Who Changed the World of Sufism

The Spiritual Leader Who united People of all Faiths-Biography of a Muslim Saint Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery (R.A)
Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery was a great Sufi saint of Sub Continent. He was also an Islamic scholar who lived in the 11th century AD. He is also known as Ali Hajveri and Data Sahib. He was born in Ghazni, Afghanistan in about 400 Hijri and later migrated to Lahore city of Punjab, Pakistan. His parents were also noble souls. He is buried in Data Darbar, Lahore. Lets read the detailed biography of Hazrat Ali Hajvery in Urdu & English languages.



Data Ganj Bakhsh was a great spiritual leader & guide. He helped many people in their spiritual journey towards Almighty Allah and also wrote many books on Sufism. He was a great scholar & his teachings are still relevant today. He spread the Islam in India and he was great preacher of oneness of Almighty. Alas now ignorant people even bow at his shrine which is 100% against his teaching.



What is Sufism?

Sufism is called Tasawwuf in Urdu. Sufism is translation of Islamic spiritualism. It is a mystic religious practice or tradition of Sunni Muslims. Sufism teaches that the path to God is through love, service, and self-annihilation in God. Sufis often wear woolen clothing and are sometimes called “woolens” because of this. Mysticism is the legal status of Sufism in Shariah.


Biography of Hazrat Ali Hajvery (R.A)


Data Ganj Bakhsh The Founder of Islamic Sufism in India

Data Ganj Bakhsh is best known for being the founder of Islamic Sufism in India and his teachings have influenced many subsequent Sufi orders. Data Ganj Bakhsh was a highly educated man and his writings on various topics such as theology, philosophy and mysticism are still studied by scholars today. He was also an accomplished poet and his verses are widely popular among Sufis. Data Ganj Bakhsh is revered by many Muslims as a great saint and thinker and his tomb in Lahore is a major holy site.





Hajvery continued to teach and preach Sufism and he became one of the most famous Sufi shaykhs in the Islamic world.



Ali Hajvery is credited with introducing the Sufi concept of wahdat al-wujud, or the unity of being, to the Islamic world. His ideas had a profound impact on the development of Sufism, and he is considered to be one of the most important figures in the history of the Sufi tradition.



Data Sahib developed his own system of Sufi thought, which emphasized the inner dimensions of spirituality and the importance of self-awareness & self-transformation.



Data Darbar Complex

The Data Darbar complex was built by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1566. It was rebuilt by the Sikh ruler Ranjit Singh in 1817. The complex was badly damaged during the Partition of India in 1947. It was renovated by the Pakistani Government in the 1980s. The complex covers an area of about 20 acres. It has a big courtyard. The main building of the complex is the Mosque. It has a big hall for offering prayers. There are two minarets on the sides of the hall. The complex has a big langar khana (community kitchen) where free meals are served to the visitors. There is also a Qawali hall where Sufi musicians sing devotional songs. The complex has a shrine of Ali Hajvery (R.A), a famous Sufi saint of Lahore. Thousands of people visit the shrine every day. The complex also has a national bank and offices of Auqaf Department. Outside the complex there are hotels and shops of Islamic books. Data Darbar has separate areas for men and women. People recite holy Quran here and pray to Almighty Allah for solution of their problems.



Quotations of Data Ganj Bakhsh

Data Ganj Bakhsh was a Persian Sufi who lived in the 11th century. He is quoted as saying, “A human being is only as good as his or her intentions.” This quote speaks to the importance of having good intentions in life, as they are what ultimately make a person good.



Data Ganj Bakhsh’s words remind us that it is our intentions that matter most in life, not our actions or accomplishments.
Data Sahib was a very humble man, and always stressed the importance of helping others. He once said, “If you want to know God, serve His creatures.” This is a message that is still relevant today and is something that we should all remember. We have given the large number of quotations by Ali Hajvery (R.A) below this page in Urdu language.



Unique Miracles of Hazrat Ali Hajvery (R.A)

Data Ganj Bakhsh was a great Sufi saint who is famous for his miracles. When he was only seven years old, he began to show signs of his spiritual greatness. He would often go into trances and receive visions from God. People from all over the area began to come to him for guidance and healing. It is believed by many people that Data Ganj Bakhsh protects the Lahore city by the permission of Almighty Allah in wars and emergency situations.



As Data Ganj Bakhsh grew older, his reputation as a holy man continued to grow. He performed many miracles, including healing the sick & bringing about rain when it was needed most. He also had the ability to know people’s thoughts and help them solve their problems. People from all over the world came to see him for solution of their physical and spiritual problems.



The Miracle Worker Who Brought Hope to the masses

Data Ganj Bakhsh lived during a period when Islam faced great challenges from Hinduism. He devoted his life to preserving Islamic values & beliefs. He founded one of Pakistan’s most important shrines and became known as “Data Ganj Bakhsh” which means treasure giver.



Teachings of Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery (R.A)

He was a great Sufi saint and scholar and his teachings have been very influential. He taught that the path to God is through love and self-annihilation. He also stressed the importance of detachment from the material world and the need to focus on the inner self.



Kashf al-Mahjub a Miracle of Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery (R.A)

Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery (R.A) is best known for his book, Kashf al-Mahjub, which is one of the most famous works on Islamic spirituality or Sufism. Kashf al-mahjub Book is an Islamic religious book that was written by Data Ganj Bakhsh. It covers a wide range of religious topics, including Hadith, Sharia & Fiqh. This book aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the Islamic faith & sufism. The book is written in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for readers to understand the religious and Islamic spiritual concepts and symbols.



Urs of Data Ganj Bakhsh

The Urs of Data Ganj Bakhsh is a three-day event that takes place at the shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh in Lahore from 18 to 20 Safar. The highlight of Urs is the langar distributed there. On the first day of Urs, Chief Minister Punjab’s participation is marked by the distribution of rose water. The events continue for 3 days and include a variety of activities such as bathing the shrine with rose water, Qawali and distributing langar.



The Legacy of Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery

Data Sahib passed away in 1072 AD, but his teachings continue to inspire Sufis all over the world. Data Ganj Bakhsh was a great man who left a lasting legacy. His teachings are still helping people today to find inner peace and happiness. He was a true saint and scholar & his work will continue to inspire people for many years to come. May his soul rest in peace. If you are fond of reading biographies then visit daily. Here is the biography of Ali Hajvery in Urdu languaage.


Biography of Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery (R.A) The Man Who Changed the World of Sufism

Biography of Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery (R.A) The Man Who Changed the World of Sufism

Biography of Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery (R.A) The Man Who Changed the World of Sufism

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