Biography of Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi in Urdu & English with Top 20 Interesting Facts

Who was Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi? Biography, Books, Services, Facts, Early Life, Family Life, Beliefs, Political Role & Spiritualism
On this page of we are going the share biography of Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi in Urdu and English languages with top 20 very interesting facts about different aspects of his vibrant life. Lets start reading his biography first in English language;



Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi (1856-1921) was a Muslim jurist, theologian and spiritual leader from India. He was a leading exponent of the Sunni Hanafi school of thought and his writings & fatwas influenced the religious thought and practice of millions of Muslims around the world. Ahmed Raza Khan was also a prolific writer and poet and his works include hundreds of books and thousands of poems in Arabic, Persian & Urdu.



A renowned scholar & jurist, Ahmed Raza Khan devoted his life to the study and propagation of Islam. He was also a powerful voice in the movement to revive traditional Islamic values & practices. Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi was a great orator. He delivered many lectures and speeches on various Islamic topics. He also wrote a number of books on various topics. Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi was also a great philanthropist. He spent a lot of money on the poor and the needy. He also set up many Islamic schools for the Indian Muslim community.



He is considered to be one of the most influential Muslim thinkers of his era. He helped spread Sunni Islam throughout the world. He was known for his rigorous intellectual standards & he was also highly respected by other Muslim sects too.





Biography of Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi


Early Life & Family

Ahmed Raza Khan was born in 1856 in Bareilly, India. He came from a family of Muslim scholars and his father, Maulana Naqi Ali Khan, was a prominent theologian and jurist. Ahmed Raza Khan received his early education at home and he began studying the Quran and Hadith at an early age.



After completing his studies Ahmad Raza Khan married and fathered 3 children Hamid Raza Khan, Mustafa Raza Khan and Mustafai Begum. Ahmed Raza Khan also wrote extensively on the topics of Islamic jurisprudence and theology.



Books of Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi

Ahmed Raza Khan was a highly respected Islamic scholar, and his fatwas (religious rulings) were sought after by Muslims all over the world. He was also a prolific writer, and his books on a wide range of topics – from Islamic jurisprudence to spirituality to Sufism – are still widely read today.



In 1910, Ahmed Raza Khan published his easy translation of holy Quran, Kanz ul Iman. This work made him a highly respected scholar and theologian,and it also established him as a leading voice in the movement to revive traditional Islamic values and practices. He is also well known for his book, “Fatawa-e-Razvia”, which is a collection of his rulings on various Islamic topics.



Poetry of Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi

Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi was a great scholar and jurist of his time. He penned more than nine hundred books on various topics. He also wrote a large number of poems in praise of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). His poems are still recited and admired by Muslims all over the world.




Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi also wrote a number of books on spirituality. He defended the Sufism and Islamic spirituality in his books. He was a great Sufi saint and a spiritual leader of his time. In Sufism he followed the Qadri school of thought.



Political Thoughts

Alaa Hazrat Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi was a highly respected authority on Islam and his fatwas (religious edicts) were sought by Muslims from all over the world. He was also a leading figure in the global Muslim reform movement of the early 20th century. In his later years, he increasingly advocated for the establishment of an Islamic state in India. His followers played important role in the Pakistan Movement on all fronts. Imam Ahmed Raza Khan was a great defender of the rights of Muslims. Imam was a staunch opponent of British colonialism & worked tirelessly to protect the rights of Muslims in Indian Subcontinent.



What is Barelviat?

Barelviat is a movement started by Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi. It is a platform for the propagation of true Islamic teachings. It is working to spread the message of Islam throughout the world. Extreme love with Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) is the salient feature of this movement.



Today the Barelvi movement (a school of thought within Sunni Islam) is named after Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi. His followers consider him to be a Mujaddid (reviver) of the faith & his works are widely read & studied by Muslims across the globe.




Ahmed Raza Khan passed away in 1921, but his legacy continues to influence the religious thought and practice of Muslims around the world. His works are studied by scholars and loved by millions of Muslim, and his impact on the Muslim world is undeniable.

Biography of Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi in Urdu

Top 20 Interesting Facts about Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi

1-Irshad Begum was the wife of Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi.

2-Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Alaihi Rahma) was a Pathan by descent, Hanafi by religion, Qadri by Mashrab and Barelvi by birth.

3-Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Alaihi Rahma) was a great scholar of Islam and a Mujaddid of the 20th century AD.

4-He established Islamic Jamia in Bareilly under the name of Manzar Islam, Bareilly school.

5-The biography of Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi written by Muhammad Essa Qadri Rizvi provides a detailed account of the life & teachings of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan.

6-Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi played a very important role in the world of science and research & with his thoughts, modern science was able to make great strides.


7-The followers of Barelvi religion named their specific beliefs and ideas as real Islam, which shows the great influence that Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi has had on the Muslim community.

8- He countered the Wahabism, Deobandi, shia and ahmadi movements.

9-His cause of death was complications due to diabetes.

10-Husam ul Haramain is his famous book against Deobandi Muslim sect.

11-He wrote famous naat “Mustafa jaane rahmat pe lakhon salam”.

12-He was strong believer of Hazrat Muhammad’s (SAWW) awareness of full knowledge of the unseen facts & things. He also spread the beliefs that Hazrat Muhammad PBUH is present everywhere and he was Nur.

14-His followers call him with the title of Ala Hazrat.

15-His critics says that all his beliefs are against the real picture of Islam and Quran. They also believe that he promoted many bidat (New Things) in Islam.

16-He was the founder of Barelvi school of thought in Islam and at present he has more than 200 million followers globally.

17-Imam Ahmed Raza Khan is also known as the reviver of the Ahl-e-Sunnah movement. He played a key role in revitalizing the teachings of the Ahl-e-Sunnah and spreading its message to the Muslim world.

18-He was a key figure in the Pakistan Movement and is considered one of the founding fathers of Pakistan.

19-Majority of his followers are living in India and Pakistan and they call their selves Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal Jamaat. They consider that Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi was an Imam.

20-He was Pathan and his forefathers were from Qandahar Afghanistan.


Final Words

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi, may Allah have mercy on him, was an excellent scholar, Mufti, Muhaddith and Fiqh, so he was among the best in the world. The birth of Alai Hazrat, Imam-i-Ahlsunnat, Wali Nimat, Azim-ul-Barakat, Azim-ul-Hafiz-ul-Qari Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Alaihi Rahmat-ur-Rahman) was blessed on the 10th of Shawwal ul Mukarram 1272/Saturday in Mahalla Jasoli of Bareilly Sharif. Imam Ahmad Raza Khan’s reason for fame is his presence in every field of knowledge and his mastery over all the sciences. His legacy continues to live on and his ideas and teachings continue to influence Muslims around the world. Before leaving the page do not forget to read the Urdu biography of Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi.



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Biography of Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi in Urdu & English with Top 20 Interesting Facts


Biography of Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi in Urdu & English with Top 20 Interesting Facts

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