Disclaimer & Terms

Disclaimers By Jobsstudy.pk
These details are regarding disclaimer which are made in relation to all of the published content as well as information and material present on Jobsstudy.pk. This Jobsstudy.pk is purely an educational and jobs guide related website. Our professional and well trained staff and team members write the content for this website. This site is possessed with thousands in number of books and too latest and advanced journals right in their reference library. Our content is collected from large number of reliable sources like newspapers and research journals. Our website content is being gathered from massive number of reliable and valid platforms like books and magazines. We post valid and reliable content for our users. Original sources are published on Jobsstudy.pk, so that no convenience or trouble comes into the mind of users. This Jobsstudy.pk always rectify itself in case of any human mistake. We believe in the fact that, to err is human, to forgive is divine. We accept our mistakes and negligence and ready to rectify and correct it on time.

Jobs Study

                 Disclaimer & Terms

Jobsstudy.pk Rectify Its Mistakes on Time

We encourage our users to highlight our mistakes and negligence aspect. We know that there is always a room for correction and we are highly working on this ares. We might be incorrect in our provided facts and sources, so we encourage our regular readers and viewers to highlight those mistakes. On the other hand, our well trained and highly professional team proofread their articles and content again and again. They review their articles and written content for maximum number of times so that all users and readers can be given error free information. Aim and mission of Jobsstudy.pk is to give error free news, information and free online quizzes/tests to their readers. This is their main policy and staff of this educational site is regularly working on it. Content of this website is passed through various stages so that it can become easily readable for the users.



Jobsstudy.pk Offers Unique and Plagiarism Free Content

Jobsstudy.pk is strictly against the tradition of publishing plagiarism and copied content. Our team works on delivering and giving unique, error free and plagiarism free content to their users. We are using large number of plagiarism checking tools so that our content and website can come out 100% unique. We are much and highly thankful to all informative and facts giving websites like wikipedia.com. But we have also given these strict and harder instructions to our content writers team that they can only get ideas from such sites and should not copy a single line from there. We will remove any copied content by our any writer after just one complaint, we are here to make internet a pure source of knowledge.

Disclaimer Regarding Copy Right Images

Jobsstudy.pk has a senior editor at its end who is also working as a senior lawyer in a high court. We fully know the importance of these copy rights and stick with our policy firmly. We are an educationists and we know about the fact that copy rights should be given respect. We only write and publish unique content on our site.



Jobsstudy.pk Welcome Positive Criticism

From our users, we welcome positive criticism and also positive suggestions. You are encouraged to give your valuable feedback. Your replies and feedback will be considered by our team and we will work on those viewpoints for you. You can contact us by visiting our contact page. All the best from us.